Sunday 14 May 2017

Porthmeor Beach, St Ives, Cornwall Painting - The Whispering Poppies

I bought this painting of Porthmeor Beach, St Ives, Cornwall from a professional artist who exhibits in a gallery. I do have another St Ives painting in a proper traditional frame, a large one I bought a couple of years ago, but I have never got it out of its packaging because I have no space to put it anywhere in my home at present, so it is wrapped with a number of other paintings I was drawn to at the time.

I am not a big fan of chocolate box art to be honest, though at one time I actually worked in an art museum, but I do like the painting shown here.

Poppies are famous for 'Poppy Day' and sacrifice, but what may not be known is that they are a Christian symbol of fertility, occasionally used in churches, so the painting can be taken either way.

The painting could denote a sacrifice of love, or indeed, the fertility of love and the rather sinister poppies, although very beautiful, may be calling to the couple on the beach, who as shadows, may yet be ghost, despite the footprints in the sand. Do the couple feel all will be 'plain sailing' as on the open sea, where the could as yet still become becalmed like the Ancient Mariner of the story? Or do they expect a rocky and obstacle filled journey? The poppies may well have the answers here.

See also:
Mystical Mardale