Sunday 21 May 2017

Pippin's Doppelganger Through The Looking Glass

Pippin now has a slightly larger Doppelganger or 'double'. Doppelganger Pippin is a slightly more robust version of Original Pippin who is mainly the star of this blog. Doppelganger Pippin has all of Original Pippin's characteristics. Here they are both looking at themselves in two mirrors.

Some believe that if a person stares hard enough in to a mirror then they will see spirits. Actually a mirror can be used as a portal to other worlds. Simply sit with a small light - either a table lamp or candle, behind you, or to one side, so that you can see in the mirror but it is somewhat shaded. Then - in your mind's eye - see yourself going right through the mirror. There should be some kind of guardian on the other side - maybe a Merlin type figure. You may see steps to go down with a doorway leading in to a wood or you may have to follow a pathway which will lead somewhere  - often to a clearing of some kind. You will meet people and animals on the way and when you want to return, just retrace your steps and thank your guardian for their help. Come back through the mirror and see yourself closing a door - this is shutting the portal. A good cup of tea should bring you firmly back to earth!