Monday 29 May 2017

Inari's Kitsune Fox Guardians

Inari is a Japanese deity of the Shinto religion, who is depicted as both male and female. Inari's helpers are often depicted as snow white Kitsunes or fox fae spirits. Kitsunes are themselves very popular in spirit keeping circles as they have strong personalises and they help their companions with all kinds of situations. Sometimes the Kitsune are shown as nine tailed foxes. There are also some very attractive little spirits called Pipe Foxes who are able to run inside a pipe, hence their name and they traditionally help with things like luck and gambling.

We always feed the foxes that come in to our garden because they are sacred to Inari. The above depiction of Inari's Kitsune Fox Guardians was done by 'automatic drawing' as this is something I do. Basically automatic writing and automatic drawing drawing are done by holding a pen or pencil and letting a spirit guide the hand, so essentially the pen holder does not know what will come through.

Also,on the subject of foxes, our lovely little foxy friend, as shown in the top photograph, seems very pleased and contented as he looks in to the camera. He has such a cute little necklace too!