Monday 1 May 2017

Pavlovian Pippin - Pippin -v- Pavlov Classical Conditioning Or Common Sense?

I first came across Ivan Pavlov and his experiments on dogs quite a while ago now. I actually got this picture above from one of my books but it may be on the internet.

Pavlov basically did a great deal to prove that a salivating dog waiting for his food - would respond to the food stimulus if the same conditions were met even if there was no food. It seems like a common sense thing - hardly a big international breakthrough - but apparently it made Pavlov famous. It is all about the conditioned and unconditioned responses, of, wait for it - classical conditioning - apparently.

Pippin didn't respond to a bell being tolled like Pavlov's dogs did, in order to want his dinner. He was simply given the can of doggie food and that was that really.

Quite intricate when you think about it.

See also:
Mona Steorra