Friday 11 August 2017

Postulating Pippins - The Pippins Are Back With A Djinn Lamp

Move over Aladdin, the Pippins - both the Windermere/St Ives Pippins combo mix, took to the floor with a Djinn lamp in tow.

I actually thought it was time the two Pippins,(named after an actual Jack Russell style dog who has lived both in the Bowness area of Windermere and in the St Ives/Carbis Bay area of Cornwall in the UK), made a re-appearance in their own show. There are two Pippins because one is the doppelgänger of the other. Said dog belongs to my niece who used to put lots of Pippin pictures on Facebook at one time. Pippin was such a lovely, appealing little dog that I thought he deserved a special blog from his human aunty! Then it just grew from there.

I actually have an Ifrit Djinn spirit who lives in a ring under a table in my room. Lamp genies are traditional places for these kind of spirits to reside when working with humans. They should always be treated with respect.