Thursday 17 August 2017

Football Curses - Plus - Premiership Pippins - Finest Moments Of Soccer!

The Pippins were out with their football gear on the opening day of the new soccer season.
We did think they looked really great.

I have an old Fortean Times magazine from October 1996, which has an interesting article on football curses. Many clubs back then got witches to do rituals over their grounds to remove bad energies.

Famously, Don Revie of Leeds United fame, had a Blackpool sorceress do some rituals over the Leeds United Elland road Ground back in 1972 before the cup final. Leeds won that year but lost the next - that is because Mr Revie should have kept up the rituals.

We once lived-in sight of the Bradford City Football Ground and its iconic red supports jutting off the roof, back in 2003/4. We also once had Leeds United curtains throughout the house, but that was because we got them reduced and they were good quality in a sale in the Leeds United shop that was in Leeds City Centre back in around 2006/7. We just needed some curtains and saw them in the window! Many people commented how nice they looked.

My son used to have a number nine Ian Rush Liverpool shirt when he was little. That was until my then partner got him supporting Manchester United. He now is glued to football at every opportune moment and loves nothing better than commenting on football forums about the current games, players, managers and all that goes with it. In fact, he is probably doing that now.

I am not a football follower, though I did watch Georgie Best's football school when I was little on telly. My much older sister supported Leeds United and once the telly showed Don Revie doing his superstitious circuit that he always walked before a home match, apparently.

I once went to the Radio One Roadshow Football Match, with my friend at Elland Road, Leeds. She begged me to go with her so I relented in the end, though following DJ's around and watching football is definitely not my thing!

We saw the then big time DJ's of the day - Tony Blackburn, Simon Bates, Dave Lee Travis, Noel Edmonds and yes, the evilly notorious Jimmy S, who was jogging round the perimeter of the pitch, with perfectly coiffured bobbed peroxide hair and who waved at us (Yuk)!.

We once did a football ritual for someone a few years ago, using the little table-top football set-up, shown above on the right, with the Pippins.