Tuesday 8 August 2017

Ic Bidde Pe - Monsters - Plus Godne Daeg - Hedgehog

Back in around 2009 we started studying Old English really so that I could understand a few of the magick books that were written in it. we got quite good at it and even were able to speak some of it in the supermarket so that no one knew what we were saying when we talked about the staff! We even wrote a song in it which was a parody on another popular song of the time. Old English is nothing like modern English at all - it is more like Danish. Leechcraft, which I also practice, relies heavily on Christian magick and prayers. I used to make Leechcraft Stew where every single ingredient, including the water for the stew, had to have loads of Pater Nosters said over them individually to build up the power. Needless to say, I stopped making the stew because every time I made it - I  got cold!

Above are some of the lovely felted creatures that have been collected since 2015, besides Pippin and the gang. Also we got this picture of a hedgehog at 2am on Sunday morning.

We used to do blogtalkradio back in 'the day' too. Link below.

See also: