Thursday 3 August 2017

Pippin And Pippin, Baskerville, Misty And The Poodles Celebrate Lammas On August 1st 2017

Pippin and Pippin, Baskerville, Misty and the Poodles all celebrated Lammas in the best possible taste! We put flowers and loaves of bread out underneath a Hawthorne tree in celebration of this special day. The doggies all had a really good time posing with the Lammas cards too!

I really like this Lammas quote that I came across recently -

Hoof And Horn, Hoof And Horn
All That Dies Shall Be Re-born
Corn And Grain, Corn And Grain
That Which Falls Shall Rise Again

There is another version of the verse, which is -

Hoof And Horn, Hoof And Horn
All That Dies Shall Be Re-born
Vine And Grain, Vine And Grain
That Which Is Cut Shall Grow Again

The Pippins and Friends liked the verses too :)