Friday 14 July 2017

Bite Me Magazine,The Pippins And The Scary Bitches

We came across a really funny Goth-rock style band,called the 'Scary Bitches' whilst leafing through old copies of former vamp lifestyler magazine 'Bite Me'. This is not to be confused with a much more mainstream magazine called 'Bite Me' that has recently appeared on the scene.

The original 'Bite Me' magazine ran from the late 90's to the late noughties and  sort of suddenly disappeared although its website is still on-line with many broken links.It was produced in Scotland by a journalist called Arlene Russo.

What I like about 'The Scary Bitches' is that they are obviously much older women. Usually it is only  men or specialist guitar fan women who are seen working the frets. And you don't get many older lady rockers who are not dolled up like waxworks or Cher - that actually seem to be enjoying what they are doing and so 'The Scary Bitches' are indeed very refreshing.

Another band we found in the pages of 'Bite Me', are 'The Beautiful Deadly Children'. Again, this group, lead by a couple of aristocrats apparently, don't seem to have done anything past 2010. 'Gutterfly' and 'Every Night Is Halloween' are our favourite tracks from this band, in fact we were listening to these particular songs earlier on. 'Every Night Is Halloween' Good motto!

The Pippins love all of it of course - they are a couple of Goths in disguise!