Sunday 2 July 2017

Baskerville And Misty - Two New Dogs Joining The Crew

Baskerville was myself and my then partner's dog when we lived in a flat in Manningham in Bradford, back in the late 80's.  Manningham was, at that time, full of arty people - musicians, magicians, artists and weird and wonderful folk of all kinds. It was a dangerous place, essentially very near to a red light district, but still it was always possible to meet or talk to someone interesting who was contributing to the beauty of the world in general. This was prior to the Manningham riots, when many pubs, including one I used to work in, were burned out.

Baskerville was half Alsatian and half rottweiler, but looked exactly like a Doberman. In fact, everyone thought she was a Doberman. She was a present from my mother for safety when walking around Manningham. In fact, people really took to her and even wrote her name on a park bench.

One day when I came home from work, she wasn't there. My then partner said he had let her out and some men bundled her in to a van and stole her. To this day I don't know whether that is true or not.

Misty, a bearded collie, was my late brother's dog. She lived at his family home in Baildon, Shipley West Yorkshire, together with his wife and young daughter. Sometimes my brother would bring Misty round and I would take my little niece (in a rather cumbersome three wheeled, one handled pushchair) and Misty the dog out for a walk, so that my brother could have a good chat to our mom, undisturbed by child and dog!

These two are a new Baskerville and a new Misty who are joining the crew of the Pippins who appear in this blog.