Friday 14 July 2017

Baskerville, Misty, The Pippins And Empress Of Fur

I came across the band 'Empress Of  Fur' in early 2016, Before this I had never heard of them. I was looking at one of my favourite urban exploration sites to see if any new explore properties had come on. Urban exploration suddenly got picked up by bored journalists wanting a piece of the pie a few years ago.
The unwanted attention attracted a different sort of explorer, not the photographer wanting to capture a piece of the past and move on, but instead the sort of persons who want to pick up the items and take the past home with them.

For example, once the papers got hold of 'Red Dress Manor' in Wales, the iconic red dress left by Ms Jones and photographed by many an urban explorer - went missing along with her handbags.Alas, they could be photographed no more and probably ended up at a boot sale.

On the particular day I came across 'Empress Of Fur' I had the treat of seeing a new exploration,on a much frequented urban explore site on the web. A murky farmhouse somewhere near Norwich, packed full of the former owner's possessions, covered in spider webs. At the top of the house, the photographer had captured a soundproofed attic, jam packed full of musical equipment from the 80's and 90's, but mostly 90's.

There was even a 90's kettle set on a tray. It was obviously a band practice room and whoever had practised there took music very seriously. A pin board was tacked to the wall displaying pictures and posters of the band 'Empress Of Fur' and Uma Thurman from 90's film, 'Pulp Fiction'. Obviously whoever had played music and practised there liked brunettes!

Next day I clicked on to the Urban Explore site to have another look and the whole post containing the pictures I had been viewing the day before had gone. The photographer had removed them. So I looked up 'Empress Of Fur', a Fenland band and saw they have one very iconic track 'Johnny Voodoo' from 1994.

The doggies have all said they want a tiara like the one worn by lead singer Venus Raygun in the video.