Monday 12 June 2017

The Mermaid, The Flamingo And The Little Bird

This is our outdoor Water Altar. It is deliberately left natural with overgrown ponds and has built up quite a lot of natural power in it's own right. Recently next doors' cat, which is very feral, attempted to get a little sparrow which was feeding in the garden.

The cat got the sparrow in its mouth and then ran straight in to the flamingos and oddly enough, the mermaid statue seemed to leap at the cat and the sparrow was knocked from the cat's mouth. The cat attempted to pick up the sparrow again, but was disoriented and a starling flew at the cat. The cat dropped the little sparrow which flew off. The cat had knocked the flamingos over and the statue had fallen off her altar, but nonetheless between them they saved the little bird's life.

We are spirit conjurers (for good only) and it is possible to conjure a mermaid spirit in to a cup of water which is used in spell work. We always honour all the Beings that work with us by giving them gifts of items such as sweets, cake and fruit. Some spirits like shiny glitter too.