Saturday 10 June 2017

Surreptitious Scrying Courtesy Of The Pippin Doppelgangers

I have just put four boxes of paranormal books, tarot cards and magickal formula books in to the outhouse as my chair was surrounded by them all. I still have lots and lots of tarot decks and paranormal/magick books in the house in drawers and crates - in fact a little pile has tried to grow by my chair again since yesterday - including an astrology kit and a book on pendulums that I got in 2001.

I generally use the books for cross referencing.That is why I have so many. There may be one paragraph in the whole of a book that is helpful, but that paragraph will slot with another paragraph in another book and produce a goldmine of secret information, like a formula.

Usually I read books on advanced magick or very early magickal texts that have been translated, generally, because I enjoy them. We did spend one period watching wall to wall paranormal TV shows all the time the TV was ever on, for months, in fact, until we thought it was time for a change. I particularly liked a TV series called 'Sea of Souls;. I re-watched all these in 2012 but I think they originally ran around 2005 -7 area.

I have given loads of my books to charity shops in the past, including the whole of Wordsworth's Tales Of Mystery And The Supernatural paperback series - which I later regretted because some of the books are impossible to get now, new. I do have lots of ebooks too but I prefer a real book that can be held and perused, because I may need to open several books at once to get notes from them.

It is difficult to get certain books because everyone who is in the same field as me wants a copy and they are offered online at silly money. I do have one rare book by an American author/occultist of the 1970's that I got in 2015 and unbelievably the person who was selling this book in all the world, lived a few miles away from me which was astounding in itself. It only came from 'up the road', literally.

Here are the Doppelganger Pippins doing some scrying - that is Pippin  and Pippin. they are gazing in to a water filled cup with underwater tea lights added. I really like these pictures - they have a really mystical quality to them!