Thursday 22 June 2017

Magick And Occultism At Midsummer With The Pippins - Plus - Tell The Bees?

The Book of Oberon contains many magical texts from the Elizabethan times. In fact, the whole book from start to finish contains rituals. The Pippins seemed to be very happy acting as magicians and also having a quick read of one of Shakespeare's plays at the same time.

A few weeks ago out house was attacked by a swarm of literally hundreds bees. it was just like a horror film with bees trying to get in everywhere. it was really hot at the time and we had worked all night and were going to bed. There was this horrendous buzzing and it was almost deafening. Bees tried to get in vents and all the windows had to be closed, despite the heat.

The bees got in to the house rabbits' cages and had to be sucked out with a vacuum cleaner. There was a nylon mesh pinned over the vents (cut from a  pair of tights) and as I was laying down to try and get some sleep I was assailed by a loud droning sound and the vent cover kept moving. The bees were not trying to nest - for some reason they had attacked the house. They had gone when we got up but remained around the house for several hours. We got a few dead ones off the carpet and I have kept one as a specimen. My daughter was stung by a bee that managed to get in to the lining of the bedroom curtains.

I am really making a note of it here as a record really. It happened on Friday 26th May 2017.

See our sister blog Mystical Mardale for more magickal goings on!