Saturday 23 June 2018

World Cup Soccer Spells With The Pippins, Plus Soccerhenge

We did something different for Summer Solstice as it was quite cool and dark - more like September than summer. we used the energy from the World Cup and actually the setting up of the rituals was quite complicated and time consuming. the idea was to tap in to the force generated by the crowds and players in Russia for the world Cup.

I am not personally a football fan, quite the opposite in fact, but this is why I could look at the workings objectively. I said I was going to do something magickal and originally I was going to set up a kind of Golden Dawn formation only using the football pitch plate as a mini-temple.

I improvised a bit and came up with the players as magicians and the large ball as a kind of Ipsissimus, transcending both the physical and spiritual worlds.

Then I decided to create 'Soccerhenge' instead of Stonehenge, using the football rubbers as the Four Quarters and then using the large football drawn on the serviette as the Circle Of Power with the Stonehenge pieces re-arranged slightly to encompass a couple of mini footballs as Soccerhenge temple pieces.