Saturday 16 June 2018

The Uranium Pippins Of St Ives, Cornwall And The Vaseline Glass Book

Last June, 2017, we did a post on the Pippins - That is, Original Pippin and Doppelgänger Pippin, entitled 'Uranium Pippins'.

The Pippins were seen with a glowing candlestick and it was an atmospheric photo that both of them were pleased with.

This year, June 2018, the Pippins are seen with a uranium glass, (or Vaseline glass as it is also known), book.

This kind of glass glows under a black light (UV light) because it contains very small quantities of uranium.
Uranium was mined in Cornwall, in the south-west of England and traces of it can still be found in old mines around there.

The Pippins were relaxed and happy:):)