Saturday 14 October 2017

The Horrible Goings On At Carn Cottage, Zennor

This is an interesting and intriguing book as the author brings together various central characters. Obviously Aleister Crowley is involved. The village of Zennor in Cornwall is involved, the poet Rupert Brooke is kind of involved by proxy and Rupert Brooke's one time girlfriend Ka Cox is involved, though under her married name.

Well the gist of things according to the author is did Crowley magick Ka Cox to death because she was interfering with the goings on in his rented cottage in Zennor at the southern tip of Cornwall? Rupert Brooke ran with an affluent crowd. His father was a house master at Rugby school and Rupert knew Violet Asquith whose father was at one time the Prime Minister of the UK..

 In the book, the author also shows a personal photo of his brother in a cape when he belonged to a magickal society, which is a nice touch.

Crowley had quite a lot of connection to Cornwall, including a son who became very eccentric. He did a lot of magick down Zennor way and Ka (who was by then no longer called Cox, but Katherine Arnold-Forster, from Eagle's nest, Zennor and she had both a husband and son), apparently tried to interfere with Crowley's derring-do and according to the author, died mysteriously. This was of course, many years after the death of Rupert Brooke in World War One.

The author adds some interesting bits and pieces to what is essentially a factual book. Carn Cottage is mentioned in Sven Berlin's writings too and looks like a very creepy cottage.