Tuesday 31 October 2017

Lovely Lolita - Halloween 2009

This is the lovely Lolita Salome Rabbit who really enjoyed wearing her Halloween costume at Samhain, back in 2009.

Lolita sadly passed in to Spirit on 7th May 2013. She is buried in a special animal graveyard in our garden, which is watched over by Baron Samedi and Maman Brigitte, who we give regular gifts to as this is a respectful thing to do.

We still love her and our other Passed Pets and we remember them at this special time of year. We love all animals and do not eat meat. We believe animals are as important as humans. We all belong to the Universe, or the Great Architect, the Big kahuna, the God and Goddess, The Man Upstairs, or other Special Deities, or even to Ourselves and we all make up The Whole, the All-One-Ness and the All-There-Is.

Happy Halloween :) :)