Sunday, 24 March 2019
Second Adept's Phoenix Fire Wand Of The Golden Dawn
I was looking in a book a few weeks ago at the set of Golden Dawn wands a person had made and which were now in the possession of The Museum Of Witchcraft And Magic in Boscastle, Cornwall. I was very drawn to one particular wand for some reason and did more research in to it.
The Phoenix Wand or Fire Wand covers Geburah on Tree of Life in the Kabbalah. Although I have had many books on the Kabbalah, it is not my particular path and though I respect those who follow it, the Kabbalah has never resonated with me personally, despite having thoroughly read Dion Fortune's The Mystical Qabalah several times over. To make matters even more confusing, the word 'Kabbalah, can be spelled with a 'Q" or even a 'C' and have one 'B' in it or two.
As I understand it - in the Golden Dawn system, the wand represents Osiris, but in some other form it represented Set and is used by the Second Adept.
Anyway, I was so drawn to the wand that I decided to make my own version of it, which is shown in the picture. I have to say, I like my version better than any of the other versions I have noticed on the internet and there is a feeling of real power flowing through the wand when it is held. I have used rainbow colourings for the stem of the wand too, in a slightly different way from the original versions but still keeping the colours correct. The ribbon trimmings on my version of the Golden Dawn Phoenix Fire Wand give the wand a Shaman feel to it too, as if it bridges several worlds at the same time.
See also:
Brother Darklight and Rebecca