Saturday 12 May 2018

Some Very Interesting Magickal Books

My daughter kindly modelled the books for me as for once it was nice and warm outside. These are just a tiny little portion of the many books I have in my possession. books are useful because it is possible to just 'dip in' and find a nugget of very important information.

We have a book on fortune telling, by the very well known and respected Sasha Fenton. We then have a book on spirit keeping by Ash and Magnolia West. Then we have a book on the well known 20th Century occultist Dion Fortune by a great fan of hers, Alan Richardson. Finally we have book on European Gods and Goddesses by the well known Janet and Stuart Farrar and also Gavin Bone.

Some really good spiritual books came out of the 90's, which have never really been beaten since. However my book reader contains so many spell ebooks it could probably walk off on its own! I still prefer physical books though because I like to dive in and browse, rather than read from front to back.I don't read all through the books, just syphon off the bits of stuff that interests me, a bit like a vacuum cleaner!

See also:
Mona Steorra