Sunday, 29 April 2018

The Troika Pottery Wheel Vase, The Pippins And The St Ives Painting

I bought this painting of a beach at St Ives, a few weeks ago. I have had the Troika Pottery wheel vase for a few years - it reminds me of the Egyptian pyramids, that is why I bought it - well, that and the fact it came from Troika's earlier St Ives pottery as is marked on the bottom. I collect weird bits and pieces from that particular seaside town and may feature more of them. In later years the Troika Pottery outfit moved to Newlyn and I once saw an auction where a lot of their undecorated vasesd came up for grabs. Troika pottery was very popular indeed at one time and still is amongst certain folk because of its unusual styles.
The painting drew me to it, because when I lived at home we used to have a number of black cats in succession - one was a half Persian, half Siamese black cat with china blue eyes. The cats always were given the same name -  Puss-Puss too - for some reason.

Friday, 27 April 2018

The Pippins - All Conspiracy And No Theory - Magic Behind The Mic

Well the Pippins are out again  - this time with a couple of books by Isaac Weishaupt. One book is about the secret Satanic influences behind the Rocky Horror Show and the other is above the sacrifce that some 'stars' have apparently made to become famous. Including allegations of blood sacrifices.
The books are quite interesting reading and not so bad for coffee tables and the like. They are not too heavy despite their titles and actually do leave food for thought.  There are so many conspiracy type  books out there, including some very outlandish claims - but the truth is - it could be said that there is no smoke without fire and by the law of averages, not all of the authors are likely to have serious mental health problems, so there must be SOME truth in SOME of what is said SOMEWHERE!

The Pippins By The Ponds

The Pippins are back! They have been enjoying sitting by the new water garden area which we use for rituals. thye actually sat on a maze neat the totem pole  and they seemed to be enjoying their time out in the garden.

Candle Video Clip

There are various things going on here. it is like a transmutation of energy to different levels.

Dinosaur Spells With Fruit And Herbs

I channelled a dinosaur in January 2006. I was using trance mediumship a lot at the time and this creature came throough. it was not safe to stay in a trance so I came out of it luckily. anyway these are dinosaur spells - plus offereings. thye make good earth connectors when someo need to really be super grounded and connecvted to very old forms of life other than unicellular bacteria - or one cell micro-critters.

Sunday, 15 April 2018

Grand National Horse Spirit Spell

The spell was done for another person and has northing to do with winning or gambling in itself as we don't do gambling spells, per se.  It was more about capturing a little of the spirit of the energy produced at these huge meetings. As usual we put out offerings, this time it was a bowl full of the herb danya/coriander and some sweet cones.

My Swanee And Mountain Call - Horses Of The Past

I just love the name 'My Swanee' this is what led me to these posters. it looks as if these horses were successes of their time and their details are still doing the rounds today which is why i managed ot get hold of them. When I saw the name 'My Swanee' I just had to have the little poster. Mountain Call looks bright as well.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Easter Bunny And Easter Chick In Horror Film Clip

These two creatures star in a rather sinister little film clip. The little film turned out to be quite creepy and the music which was played by my daughter, kind of added to the overall spookiness of the whole thing. It was actually done as a kind of ritual.

Spirit Images Shown In The Smoke

Many people who are interested in the supernatural believe that spirit images can be captured in smoke or steam. One method is to boil a pan of water and to photograph the steam. Obviously this can cause condensation. Shower steam can also be photographed for spirit images, as can cigarette smoke and incense smoke.

The top image above shows a woman's face. The second image shows a baby in the womb and the third image shows a monster like creature.

Black Bear And The Titanic

Steiff the famous bear making company  - brought out a black mourning bear after the Titanic sunk in April 1912. Another similar bear was brought out in 2012 to mark the anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. This bear is a limited edition copy. He is actually a lovely bear.

What is often missed where the Titanic is concerned, because it is not romantic and just gritty, is that many of the boiler stoker's families were from Liverpool in the United Kingdom and these families were left penniless and having to ask for money from church relief organisations. People tend to look at the illustrious passengers who sailed on the boat rather than those whose families depended on whatever small wages could be earned working in the heat and dark of the underbelly of the ship.


Fish can climb trees, well this one shown above can and the Mudskipper has flexible fins which allows it to climb up tree roots and on to trees if it has to.

The saying is credited to Einstein, but some believe he didn't actually give this quote, though in popular myth he did. It is a weird thing to say really, because it doesn't really prove anything. I suppose it is an interesting thought, though.

The books above are about two completely different things. One is about dyslexia and the other, written some years later by a different author is about the astrological associations of people, which place them in different characteristic groups. But anyway this fish is up a tree.

Mr Martinez At The Hotel Cecil

The picture shows a special banquet held in honour of an important dignitary called Mr Frederick N Martinez, who had travelled through South America and North America, on business, at the Hotel Cecil in London in 1898. It is a follow on from the last post about hotels named 'Cecil' and is from an old book written at the end of the 19th century. Mr Martinez sits at the top table (wearing white) which is situated at the back end of the photo.

Sunday, 1 April 2018

Cecil Hotels, Their Connection To Cleopatra’s Needle And Their Rather Odd Legacies

Although I am sure there are a few Cecil Hotel’s or Hotel Cecil’s in the world today that are successful, there have been several hotels with ‘Cecil’ in their title name that have had a lot of mystery, misery and/or upheaval attached to them.

One of the most notorious is the Hotel Cecil, in Los Angeles where a few years ago a Canadian Chinese student was found dead in the water tank on top of the building. No one has really said how she got there. Then there was the tragedy of the pigeon lady – a woman who lived at the Cecil and fed pigeons. A number of other highly notorious persons stayed at the place too, which sadly became run down and shabby.

There was however another Hotel Cecil in London that began having problems even before the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles. The London Cecil, an 800 room hotel near The Strand, was built between 1890 and 1896 and the manager, who was called Jabez Balfour, a well-connected businessman ended up going bankrupt and being sentenced to 14 years in jail. This hotel was pulled down in 1930 but some of its frontage was kept for another building.

Then there is yet another Cecil Hotel – this time one built in 1929 in Alexandria in Egypt on the site of where the monument Cleopatra’s Needle used to be. This also went through difficult times and ownership changes, when the real owners were thrown out of the country, even though Winston Churchill, the writer Somerset Maugham and Al Capone all stayed there once.

Could Cleopatra’s Needle (any of the three) have exerted some strange force on Hotel Cecil’s throughout the world? Cleopatra’s Needle is an obelisk with a twin in New York and an obelisk from a different pair at a site in Luxor is also erected in Paris. The London and New York obelisks were made in the 18th Dynasty and the Paris one is from the 19th Dynasty so it is newer than the other two.
There is a time capsule box buried under the London obelisk and it has exerted a dark and depressing force on many people. A number of people have committed suicide near to the London Cleopatra’s Needle and others have reported feeling depressed and dizzy if they have stood near it for too long. This obelisk was near to the London Cecil Hotel. It was also removed with its twin that went to New York, from near the site in Alexandria, Egypt where the Egyptian Cecil Hotel is now. So there is a connection with these obelisks and hotels called ‘Cecil’. It is still possible that this influence could have had an effect on the Los Angeles Cecil Hotel because of the twin obelisk in Central Park, which admittedly is nowhere near Los Angeles, but nonetheless time and distance mean nothing to spirits or members of the supernatural.
One thing is certain though. It is probably best not to name a hotel ‘Cecil’ just to be on the safe side.