Friday 16 March 2018

Lights In The Snow

March has been a horrible snowy month and where I live the services stop at the drop of a hat. There is hardly any gritting done, so essential services cannot reach the houses. Bins are left unemptied, the postman disappears off in to hyperspace and doesn't bother delivering mail and no one clears the roads. It is perhaps for this reason that privately rented houses round here frequently change tenants. It is an absolute nightmare trying to get around. Cars/taxis can't get anywhere near and a person was taken to an ambulance the other week strapped to a sledge because the streets are so steep. I have been going to move for over ten years but seem to be still stuck here.

At my last address I lived within a short walk of the town centre and it was a great place to be. I lived in a flat above an unoccupied shop for 18 months and at one stage we even had an ITV film crew round filming a song we wrote and performed for Take a Break Magazine's then campaign 'Mum's Army'. The place was tiny but convenient however we had to move because the floor in the bedroom began to cave in, becoming unsafe and the shower water just poured in to a puddle on the pavement outside. We still enjoyed living there though.