Monday 19 February 2018

Tallulah And The Sheep Are Not Going For Walks

These are some new arrivals, getting a bit of a Freemason's look with the black and white chequered floor (or cushion) I really like the books by Mark Alexander Jackson; they are quirky and funny books and he digs deep in to local information for the areas he walks in with his dog Lou Parsons.
Basically this is a man in a flat cap who has a liking for Jack Russell dogs and is generally accompanied by Lou or Tallulah, as he mentioned she is really called, on his longer walks. I like the fact he uses public transport, i.e. buses and trains and is not climbing out of a car to do his treks with the dog. It makes it all the more real somehow that someone is actually out there walking through meadows, ruins and hills and not simply driving up to the sites for a quick gambol and drive off to suburbia.