Monday, 19 February 2018

The Pippins, Lou And The Chinese Lunar Year Of The Earth Dog

February 16th 2018 was the start of the Chinese New Year Of The Earth Dog. This will last until February 5th next year when the Pig,(sometimes referred to as a Boar) will take over. All the three dogs appeared to be having a really good time and they were very connected because it is the year of their namesake  All the dogs were heavily ready to party big time.

Tallulah And The Sheep Are Not Going For Walks

These are some new arrivals, getting a bit of a Freemason's look with the black and white chequered floor (or cushion) I really like the books by Mark Alexander Jackson; they are quirky and funny books and he digs deep in to local information for the areas he walks in with his dog Lou Parsons.
Basically this is a man in a flat cap who has a liking for Jack Russell dogs and is generally accompanied by Lou or Tallulah, as he mentioned she is really called, on his longer walks. I like the fact he uses public transport, i.e. buses and trains and is not climbing out of a car to do his treks with the dog. It makes it all the more real somehow that someone is actually out there walking through meadows, ruins and hills and not simply driving up to the sites for a quick gambol and drive off to suburbia.

Valentine's Spellworkings

We have a really beautiful romantic spellworking film but we are not able to put it on a blog as the Powers That Be would expect a payment every time the blog was viewed. We once made the mistake of putting some old spell films of intricate workings on a blog and soon realized that the forces that worked with them wanted something so they were hastily removed. People buy our spells and for each one bought we always give a gift of sweets, fruit, or cake to the spiritual forces that govern the spell. The photos are different because the spell is not repeating again and again, it is just a picture.

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Spell For The Power Of The Dragon

This is a spell calling on the powers of the dragons. The cakes are offerings. the spells produce an energetic power which can be easily felt. We also do musical spells and have even incorporated our many musical instruments in to the sounds of spells. but sometimes, on the fly, it is necessary to have something smaller to hand than a full size guitar, or even something that needs taking from a case .

By the time things have been plugged in the special moment can have passed, so the guitars have been silent for a while and instead we have used some rather unusual little pieces to make music which is intoned to spell work. loud music drives out stuck energy. I usually put anything that comes through on one of my bedside recorders. Needless to say they are full of weird songs and song rituals.