Saturday 27 January 2018

Dharma In The City Or The Town Of Uther's Field

I bought this book in 2005 whilst living in Huddersfield, a very large town in the United Kingdom. It is an American book and has a really good slant in to keeping cool in awkward situations. I did read the entire book at the time and I tend to dip in now and then to obtain some more chestnuts of wisdom from the author.

 Huddersfield, incidentally, has some really impressive old buildings including the railway station facade. Various famous people have connections to Huddersfield, including non other than King Arthur himself. One explanation of the name is 'Uther's Field' which could be Uther, the traditional father of King Arthur. Some however believe that 'Uther' is 'Arthur' and that it is really 'Arthur's Field and one of the legendary homes of non other than King Arthur of Camelot himself.