Saturday, 27 January 2018

The Pippins And The Fortune Telling Tea Cup

This is a 1930's fortune telling tea cup. It actually has playing cards marked out inside and then some brief meanings around the side of the saucer. It is at present sitting at the back in my kitchen and at night I get the impression of a middle aged woman with long thick red wavy hair, wearing a blue skirt suit, a burgundy hat and a kind of fox fur, standing near to where the cup is placed. She has deep red lipstick and painted fingernails too.

See also:
Brother Darklight & Rebecca

The Spelled Jester Hat And The Pippins

This jester hat had just been used in a joy bringing spell , so before clearing the set we thought that the Pippins might like to partake of some of the spell's energies. The Pippins were really happy to participate.

The Pippins Conjure Up A Storm In An Egg Cup

I actually saw this egg cup and another white swan one when I was doing some 'tuning in'. If I tune in and am shown something by Spirit then I usually go and look for it or something as near as possible to it. I found two egg cups like the ones I was shown, this is one of them and there is another not shown which is white.

I remember a poem from 'The Golden Wonder Book' which goes  -

'Oh never leave your eggshells
unbroken in the cup
and think of us poor sailor men and
always smash them up
For withces come and find them
and sail away to sea
and make a lot of misery for mariners like me.

Sailors thought witches used eggshells to conjure storms.

Not sure the Pippins believe this, though.

Snow Mermaid Altar In The City

This mermaid presides over our Water Altar. She even looks pretty in the snow and the altar serves us through the seasons, whatever the weather. It is possible to find mysticism even in the middle of big industrial cities. The north is full of the remnants of Victorian uber prosperity for the chosen few and many of the gigantic mills are now apartment buildings, though there is still a lot of dereliction about.

Fortune Telling Parrots And Lots Of Djinn

Notes from the talking Parrot is an excellent book which I bought a few years ago and the author travels round various places in Pakistan. He mentions the Djinn Masters who live under a famous bridge full of 'Cheels,' big white birds who some believe turn in to Djinn and who steal more food than ordinary seagulls. It is actually a very factual book and is not meant to be a supernatural kind of book but it  is more about what could be called hidden culture. For instance parrot fortune telling is used where a parrot pulls out one of a number of fortunes and this is advertised as is shown on the book's cover. The American author speaks Urdu, though I believe Punjabi is more widely spoken in Pakistan than Urdu. He mentioned the white horse ceremony of Zuljannah and I was so interested I got hold of the story and some ancient translated texts about what happened and why Zuljannah is so important.

Dharma In The City Or The Town Of Uther's Field

I bought this book in 2005 whilst living in Huddersfield, a very large town in the United Kingdom. It is an American book and has a really good slant in to keeping cool in awkward situations. I did read the entire book at the time and I tend to dip in now and then to obtain some more chestnuts of wisdom from the author.

 Huddersfield, incidentally, has some really impressive old buildings including the railway station facade. Various famous people have connections to Huddersfield, including non other than King Arthur himself. One explanation of the name is 'Uther's Field' which could be Uther, the traditional father of King Arthur. Some however believe that 'Uther' is 'Arthur' and that it is really 'Arthur's Field and one of the legendary homes of non other than King Arthur of Camelot himself.

Friday, 12 January 2018

The Pippins And The Black Goat Show An Interest In New Harry Potter Book

The Pippins joined the Black Goat for a snifter around the Harry Potter Magic Book (safely with no 'K' on the end of the word 'Magic'- Boo!). I was advised against purchasing the book, the thought being it could possibly turn out as a waste of money, but I saw it as a coffee table style 'dip in' book, not too serious, but as often can be found in these kind of books, there just may have been a hidden magickal gem inside the pages, that those who put these kind of books together tend to miss - it literally flies over their heads - and out of the pages of course, towards those who spot it.

Anyway - I think the Pippins and The Black Goat may have appreciated the book - in some capacity or another. It is on general sale in supermarkets in the United Kingdom, so deemed to be 'safe' reading. But is it really - Ha ha?

And the answer is - yes, mostly- except for a couple of interesting snippets that innocently climbed in to the book when no one was looking - obviously. These could cause a slight deviation in behaviour from the frozen French fries, avocados, fromage frais and jam tarts - but only if you watch them closely, of course.

See also:
Brother Darklight & Rebecca

Ginger Cake Offerings With Lights

My sister in law came up with the idea of heating up shop bought ginger cakes and serving them with custard. Very nice, but we use ginger cakes as offerings for deities, spirits and rituals. We make an offering at important times or when rituals have been done. When the deity or spirit has taken the energy form the produce, then the birds and foxes eat the rest, so it all goes to a good cause. it is a way of supporting the faith and the religion, a bit like the way people put money on the church collection plate.