Wednesday 8 November 2017

Buddha On Halloween 2017

We were actually doing some peace workings with Buddha on 31st October. We thought it was a bit different from the usual Samhain stuff and it was meant to create an ambient atmosphere. It made a nice change from ghoulies, ghosties and the like and it was good to work with different energies.  I once used to go to a yoga class with a difference. This was a mixed class of men and women, taught by a former Zen Buddhist man. It really was a 'let it all hang out class' No holding any muscles in - just let them go - no pushing oneself - just doing things in one's own time.

The class was the real deal, not just women showing off in fancy garments, but real spiritual yoga for everyone. Some of us attendees went with the yoga teacher to a Jiddu Krishnamurti lecture which was shown on a huge TV at a community centre in Leeds.What Krishnamurti  said seemed to make a lot of sense at the time - it was a recorded interview with him. Yoga is very different to karate which I also enjoyed doing at night school classes at one time too, after watching a lot of Chinese dubbed karate films which I really liked - they were big news then.