Wednesday 18 January 2017

Pippin Of St Ives, Cornwall,The Poet Rupert Brooke And The Mysterious Dog Tarot

This is little Pippin  - I tend to call him Pippin St Ives, as it kind of resonates I think - a bit like Giles St John or something like this. I originally wanted to call the blog Pippin's Paradigm, because as a brand we are portraying this adorable little felted dog that is mischievous and can settle in anywhere he is taken to and get used to the environment and changes of scenery, so he is pretty adaptable.

There is a 'real' Pippin of course and mine is a simulacrum of him, but as the poet Rupert Brooke says in his poem entitled 'Doubts'(which incidentally, is really about Rupert's relationship with the actress Cathleen Nesbitt) 'As she sleeps her soul I know goes a wanderer on the air' I would say the same about Pippin 'And if the spirit be not there - why is fragrance in the hair?'

Now going on to the Dog Tarot which has very nice energy and is a deck which is definitely friendly and useful - this deck is explained and examined in more detail by video on the blog link below which is called Mona Steorra.

See also:
Mona Steorra