Tuesday 15 November 2016

Vampire Basilisk - I'm A Vampire

I have always had an interest in vampires since being a child and I used to watch the Hammer Horror Films with Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing with a sense of great delight. Vincent Price was also thrilling in the film adaptations of Edgar Allan Poe's creepy stories, where nobody ever really wins.

In one of her book, Dion Fortune wrote about a doctor who removed attached psychic vampires that were actually soldiers' spirits from the first world war. Although they were written as fiction, the stories were based on a real doctor who ran a nursing home for those with shell shock and nerve trouble. This particular doctor was well known to Dion Fortune and he ran a sideline, which was treating patients for occult troubles and one of these treatments was the removal of energy draining psychic shades or psychic vampires.

We wanted to do something that was actually filmed on Halloween - or Samhain to use its old name, that actually connected to the time of year. I am a published writer and poet, though always under pseudonyms. I have also appeared  in various newspapers and magazines as well as on TV and radio, but we are currently working on other projects, although I really do love blogging and have quite a number of blogs and websites.

I hadn't used some of them for a while though, so it is quite a discipline getting back to blogging again as I don't have much time these days, I have to fit it in, as and when, but the blog calls me still....

Vampire Basilisk puts forward the spirit of the vampire in all its glory...