Sunday, 31 July 2016
Lammas Witch Coven Celebrations Attended By Pippin The Dog From An Alternative Universe
Our Witch Coven held some delightful Lammas celebrations. Lammas (Loaf Mass) is also called Lughnasadh and is the first actual harvest festival of the year. The coven gave an offering of a special loaf and some beer. Many spirits attended also.
.Pippin the dog is incarnate but when he sleeps he does sometimes goes astral travelling. He is quite adventurous with this and lets people know when he is around with a bark. For those who find all that kind of stuff far fetched - I would suggest reading the books of author and broadcaster Tom Slemen. His most famous works are the 'Haunted Liverpool' series and he is also well known for another book called 'The Mind's Secrets - part of the UneXplained series. Tom Slemen frequently mentions alternative realities and gives real scientific evidence to back this up. Another good book on this subject is 'The Elegant Universe' by Brian Greene.
Happy Lammas!