Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Pippin Takes A Trip Up To Space

 Having been on many doggy travels in his lifetime and finding these most satisfactory, the intrepid explorer Pippin decided to take things a little further this time. he really did fancy a trip up to space, a little bit like the little dog Laika of times past, except he definitely wanted to come back down to earth again, unlike poor Laika who was not so lucky.

Pippin wondered how this could be achieved, because the planets and stars looked to be so very far away and yet they were utterly fascinating, to the small dog. 

When he slept, Pippin dreamed of riding in a spaceship right up to one of the furthest outposts of the cosmos. He dreamed of saying 'Hello' to Chiron, who may perhaps help him with his rheumatic paws, or saluting Pluto as he rode down the River Styx. Why, maybe he would even meet the charming Persephone on his travels, who knew?

As it was, Pippin first determined to make friends with the moon. Now if he could get the moon on his side, Pippin figured he was in with a real chance of following in the footsteps of the Apollo crew and perhaps sneaking off in one of those new commercial flight rocket offerings where people paid to fly in to space. Now that sounded like a really good idea, Pippin mused to himself as he dozed on his favourite sofa...