Wednesday 30 November 2022

Haunted Halloween With Really Powerful Energies

All of our spirit friends had a really marvellous Halloween. They all came out and thoroughly enjoyed joining in the fun and ceremony of the occasion.

Sunday 30 October 2022

Mistic Dawn Morning In Pippin Land

There is a lot ot be gained from looking at the signs of a landscape.  For instance, the top picture could be interpreted as  band of uncertain times ahead  - or that there would be some situations hidden from view so to look beyond the norm. 

In picture two, the dawn looks like a kind of pink 'Swiss Alps' in the sky and is showing mountains to climb in life but alos a rosy future.

In picture three, the 'blue air' is a connection to the sea as well as the sky, and also emotions, so could be interpreted as a time to check deep inner feelings.

Wednesday 28 September 2022

Black Eyed Pippin And The Ibis Hotel Shipley Ghost Hunt


Last week we had an overnight stay at the Ibis Hotel in Shipley, West Yorkshire UK. We decided to do a spot of ghost hunting and went equipped with an EMF meter and several 'ghost grid' laser pens which are used in ghost hunting for making a grid on the wall - the theory being that if there is an otherworldly presence about, it will break the grid.

We did manage to film some floating orbs. Now orbs are a controversial theme to debunkers who think up all kinds of explanations for what orbs can be (such as a flying dinner plate, or an elephant's shoe, or the reflected light of the Planet Zogg) but we do believe that at least 60% of orbs are in fact supernatural, even if a few are not.

Orbs tend to have a nucleus in them and sometimes a tiny figure - animal or human, can be seem in the nucleus which glows with a dim light. 

They can sometimes be seen with the naked eye and are mentioned in the great occultist Dion Fortune's book 'Psychic Self Defence' which was written nearly a century ago now.

We did find evidence of supernatural activity at the Ibis Hotel in Shipley and we will be mentioning this on other outlets too. Pippin the dog also came along for the ride.

Wednesday 31 August 2022

A Little Clown And A Little Sheep


I actually like clowns and would not have minded being in a circus as a clown. clown plushies are really hard to come by, that are new and unused and many are ornaments,. This little needle felted clown seems to be happy.

The little sheep also looks as if she is really curious about what is going on - like she knows something that no one else does....

Sunday 31 July 2022

Pippin Really Enjoyed A Spot Of Magick

 We have been very busy lately and not always managed to post as much; but this is Pippin enjoying a bit of magick the night before sunrise at Summer Solstice.

Moon Rising Above The Hill


We watched the supermoon rising above the hill back in June and this is a picture of it in the far distance, glowing like a yellow ball. The other illuminations are from solar lights in night gardens.

Were-Sheep At The Ready!

 The Were-Sheep were out the other night posing for some drawings. They particularly enjoy being around when it is the full moon and the recent supermoons have gone down a treat with them.

Tuesday 31 May 2022

Pippin Takes A Trip Up To Space

 Having been on many doggy travels in his lifetime and finding these most satisfactory, the intrepid explorer Pippin decided to take things a little further this time. he really did fancy a trip up to space, a little bit like the little dog Laika of times past, except he definitely wanted to come back down to earth again, unlike poor Laika who was not so lucky.

Pippin wondered how this could be achieved, because the planets and stars looked to be so very far away and yet they were utterly fascinating, to the small dog. 

When he slept, Pippin dreamed of riding in a spaceship right up to one of the furthest outposts of the cosmos. He dreamed of saying 'Hello' to Chiron, who may perhaps help him with his rheumatic paws, or saluting Pluto as he rode down the River Styx. Why, maybe he would even meet the charming Persephone on his travels, who knew?

As it was, Pippin first determined to make friends with the moon. Now if he could get the moon on his side, Pippin figured he was in with a real chance of following in the footsteps of the Apollo crew and perhaps sneaking off in one of those new commercial flight rocket offerings where people paid to fly in to space. Now that sounded like a really good idea, Pippin mused to himself as he dozed on his favourite sofa...

Monday 28 March 2022

Cosmic Revelations Help Manifestations

 I often recommend a book entitled 'The Cosmic Ordering Service' by Barbel Mohr to my clients. This is because even if a person is not necessarily in to the manifestation game, the book is very upbeat and idea inspirational. there is a friendliness that comes out of the book  and I feel it is very important with books that they should have a good feel to them and they should call out to a person's subconscious in some way or another.

I personally like a lot of books that come out of the 90's. This is not because they are old but they seem to have a certain depth and character to them which appears to be lacking in many modern books.

One of the 90's books which I particular like is called 'Psychic Protection' by William Bloom. I have another of this author's books on angels and that is good too. William Bloom's book on psychic protection is clear and concise, with some diagrams too and it is straight talking with no nonsense. It is also not a faddy book and explains the concept of psychic protection very well indeed. it is a book for anyone who feels a bit 'under the weather' not just for those who practice psychic work.

Monday 28 February 2022

Pippin the Dog Celebrates The Year Of The Water Tiger

Pippin was really enjoying himself as he celebrated the Chinese Year of the Water Tiger. He had a little tiger friend with him onboard too.

Imbolc Celebrations With The Leaping Hare


Imbolc is the first fire festival of the year and is sacred to Bridged, either as a Saint or as a Goddess. 

Monday 31 January 2022

The Full Moon Through Fog


These pictures of the moon were taken this month through a deep blanket of fog.