Thursday, 23 April 2020

Phoenic Rising At Supermoon

My son took this photo of the recent Supermoon. It is a very special time for those of use who are magically inclined, but the moon is alluring anyway whatever a person believes in (or not as the case may be)!

This looks like a phoenix rising around the moon and as a phoenix rises anew traditionally from its own ashes, hopefully this will apply to the world in the not too distant future and things will be OK once more.

Things To Do For Those Who Can't Visit A Beach

If you are unable to visit a beach due to social distancing and travel restrictions, then make the beach come to you. Here we have a model aquatic plant, a turtle and a little alien creature in a bed of sand with a nice green light in a foil tray.

I always keep a bag of sand handy, but many other substances would do the trick as a substitute such as earth, dried herbs, rice or flour. The display calls on the powers and energies of nature so it is both empowering and uplifting.

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Easter Bunny With A Rainbow In The Dark

This Easter Bunny was photographed on the garden wall with a 'Rainbow in the Dark' to quote a song by rock group 'Dio'. The rainbow is currently part of the 'Stay Safe' campaign in the United Kingdom.

Goddess Wenet - The Rabbit And The Snake

Wenet (who is sometimes known by other slightly different names) is both an Ancient Egyptian Rabbit Goddess And A Snake Goddess. This is another middle of the night picture.

Other Creatures That Come Out In The Night

These are some of our other friends that have been out and about during 'Lock Down' We still come out at night  - in the middle of the night and pick up the energies.