Monday, 27 January 2020

Little Spirit Vessel Pink Poodle, Little Spirit Vessel Cockerel And Scary Mascot Man

These three creatures are all harbouring spirits so they are in fact like spirit houses or spirit vessels. The spirits work with me during readings or magick and different spirits assist with a multitude questions or problems as they are very clever and helpful.

Playing Card Spell Using Days Of The Week

This spell was done on a Wednesday hence the tea light over this day. It is calling on certain powers to link two people together and to bless their relationship.

Spirit Man Produced In Spellwork

This spell work uses the assistance of a spirit man who comes down in to the little simulacrum made from pipe cleaners. The gift is for the spirit's help.

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

What About The Psychic Evolution Of Dinosaurs?

As a whole, people tend to forget that long before man or animals existed as we know them today, there were dinosaurs on the planet.
People rarely seem to question if dinosaurs had souls or spirits and who were the gods of the dinosaurs?

Who was 'up there' looking down on them? Did they have angels? Were indeed spiritual forces looking after these creatures or did they just evolve and were they 'just there'?

Also were there such things as psychic dinosaurs and did they go to heaven or some area of the astral planes after passing?
and - were there humans already in spirit that just hadn't as yet been to earth?

Apart from a few ghostly Roman Legions tramping about and the odd monk or nun, not many pre-middle ages ghosts seem to be around.

Why aren't we seeing hordes of spectral pterodactyls and Tyrannosaurus Rex spirits  all over the place?

We use fossil fuels formed from prehistoric creatures and plant fossils, such as oil and coal. Fossils abound in the earth and rocks so why don't people tell stories of being chased by ghostly fossils whilst on a walking trip? They were alive weren't they, so where are their spirits and souls?

The only thing dinosaurs seem good for these days are films like the classic Jurassic park or the even more classic Flintstones.

Well in January 2006, as a spiritualist/psychic/medium I once fully channelled a brachiosaurus whist in deep trance mediumship. This was relayed to me afterwards by others in the room. I was not trying to channel a dinosaur - it just came through.

Another time not long after this I was sitting on a bus and had the impression of a crocodile wearing a crown sitting next to me. I feel it was Sobek, the Ancient Egyptian crocodile god, coming by to make himself known.