Sunday, 6 December 2020

Robert Cochrane, The Roebuck In The Thicket And Nature's Children


The top picture shows the Ewans - two lambs from the spirit animal family, with the book 'Nature's Children', which is about celebrating the different seasons in a pagan family setting. There are many good hints and tips for potions and brews in that particular book and it is a pleasant, feelgood read.

The Pippins are shown with two books which concern the beliefs and writings of a man known as 'Robert Cochrane' but who was really called Roy Leonard Bowers and he lived in Slough, near London in England up until his death in the summer of 1966. At Midsummer of that year, he ingested a concoction of deadly nightshade leaves and sleeping pills and died over a week later. It seems a bit odd that he did this as his letters are quite cheerful and upbeat. He is best known for his 'Tubal Cain' beliefs and also for his connection to several other covens including one in America. He is one of a handful of people with occult interests who died rather strangely. The thing about 'Robert Cochrane' was that he actually lived in a council house and was very much a 'salt of the earth' person who did not covet material possessions, status or showboating, but instead was interested in poetry and Druidic magic.

The original 'Roebuck in the Thicket' (not the book shown above), is mentioned in several poems - including one tinkered with by the writer Robert Graves. They have all put their own slant on a much older piece of work. The roebuck is the spirit messenger who leads the way through the portal in to the Otherworld. This task was originally credited in Celtic belief to a 'white hind' or white female deer. This deer could lead the seeker through the forest or portal of the trees in to the astral realms which is essentially what the spiritual roebuck does too. The Pippins seemed to enjoy sitting with the books.

Readings And Magic Done With Ice In The Darkness


The bottom picture shows one of our outdoor magical working ponds. The other pictures show ritually prepared ice which was then taken outside and used for telepathic and psychic readings connecting to the spirits.

Monday, 30 November 2020

The Perceptive Pippins Have Been Busy In November

 All three Pippins were very busy in November as was their entourage of cuddly toys and haunted dolls.

 They did take lots of photographs and will put some more on their blog soon. The haunted dolls held a tea party and one of the haunted teddies went off and decided to do some magic tricks.

They were also reading about a mysterious other-worldly Being called 'The Silver Man' in the magazine Fortean Times.

We have many haunted dolls and other spirited items including spirit houses and for anyone who would like to find a special one we may be able to help here.

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Pretty Pink Flamingo Enjoys Run Up To Halloween Revels


This gorgeous pink flamingo loves getting involved with spellcasting and revels around the time leading up to Halloween. The special offerings are a blend of ginger and green tea.

Witchy Doggie Getting In Early For Halloween Spectacle


This cute little Halloween Doggie shares happy, bright and cheerful balloons with his ghostly friends in these photos. Every Night Is Halloween -  as the song goes, by the Gothic, early to mid noughties group - The Beautiful Deadly Children.

Moon Reading Cards Bring Out Hidden Aspects Of The Dark


These cards were used in a reading for someone. The atmosphere was open to the presence of Spirit coming through the proceedings.

Autumn Garden Reaches Out To Natural Forces


These little gnomes look happy enough amongst the fallen leaves and the beaver is pleased no matter what the weather is like.

Amazing Figures In Night Garden

The flamingo picture was taken through the lens of some aura glasses showing how everything can have a completely different concept. Our mermaid and sheep statues seems happy in the dark too.

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Horse Of Light Shining Through The Trees


When we go out in the middle of the night - even in to the garden - we come across all kinds of strange energies as well as other sensory happenings of the night creatures and night spirits that usually appear when humans are tucked up asleep in bed. These entities and energies are used to having the night to themselves and are sometimes curious as to why humans are around. Sometimes strange things are picked up on the CCTV too.

Garden Temple Ponds At Night


We usually change our ponds yearly as they do get full of tree debris but we use these magical areas which are also populated by unseen folk from other dimensions.

Tilly The Sheep With Little Kyle


This is Tilly the sheep with little Kyle who is the smaller cream sheep They make a very welcoming addition to the home as they give off very happy vibes.

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Purely Posing Pippin In Night-Time Photo

This is Pippin -  proud as punch and posing on his own in a night time photo shoot. He looks a bit surprised  but reasonably comfortable nonetheless!

Using Aura Glasses To Work With The World Of Spirit

We use aura glasses for various things. It is like being in a different world when working with aura glasses and everything appears totally different. Usually a camera will not take pictures through the glasses lenses because the new cameras try desperately to correct the picture to appear 'normal'. However this older phone managed to take a proper picture through the lens of the aura glasses. Absolutely no filters are applied here.

Saturday, 11 July 2020

Outdoor Dawn Ritual Drawing On Herbs And The Power of Butterflies

Butterflies stand for transition and are a very useful totem for those who feel they are 'stuck' and need to move forward in life or who want s greater perspective. Due to undergoing various forms of almost world 'lockdown' over the first part of this year and with things still far from 'normal,' many people feel superglued to the spot, or that they have lost their 'oomph', so butterfly totems will help them to find the freedom they need. Food included in a ritual is an offering which is later put out and eaten by foxes and birds.

The Vulture, The Crow And Rascal The Dog

Vultures were seen as symbols of nurturing and mothering in ancient Egypt and they were a lucky sign. vultures do a lot of cleaning up and keeping things tidy. Rascal the dog sits with the vulture and the crow caws on his own in the top picture.This is part of a creature totem ritual in honour of totem spirits.

Otherkin Ritual Involving Starseed Aliens

An Otherkin is a person who reputedly has the soul of another being such as a Starseed, Werewolf, Vampire, Dragon or Faery etc.

This concept is mentioned by the very well known occultist Dion fortune in her book 'Psychic Self Defence' where she explores those with Fae souls.

There are many different dimensions within the astral planes as every occultist knows. Some people study the Kabbalah and see each sephira as a different 'world' or sphere, whilst others believe in progression through reincarnation which is a very strong foundation in Hinduism until Krishna Loka is reached.

We have worked with alien magic quite frequently since 2013 and have had some out of this world results!

Faery Tree,Totem Spirit And The Night-Side Of Nature

The top picture shows a wonderful Hawthorne tree that flowered profusely this year and will soon be producing lots of red berries. The bottom picture is a rabbit holding a solar light which lights the way in the darkness. This is an animal totem ornament.

Druid Cloud Ritual - Face In A Cloud - Spiritual Pareidolia

As well as worshipping sacred trees, the Druids used to use clouds for divination purposes. He there is clearly a face in the cloud. For those who say 'pareidolia' my explanation is that the Creator Force and the spirits made a person look at the clouds and see those pictures in a 'spiritual pareidolia' moment, in order to send an important message. The same applies to spirit photography.

Sunday, 28 June 2020

Pippin And Mawgie With The Rose Pentagram

This is a lovely rose pentagram which we were using for a ritual and the chocolate roll is an offering. Pippin and Mawgie look on curiously.

See also:
Brother Darklight and Rebecca

Pippin And Mawgie Light Up The Wall

One of the Pippins plus his pal Mawgie are out on an interesting night mission here. They are both enjoying the night air.

Green Dandelion Clock

This dandelion clock looked particularly magickal at 3am in the morning - especially when it turned green!

Monday, 18 May 2020

Pippin And Mawgie Magick And The St Ives Old Girls' Association

I like mysterious vintage pieces and this rang a kind of bell. There are a number of places called St Ives and I don't know in truth which old girls' association it refers to, but as the real Pippin and Mawgie live in the neck of the woods of the Cornish St Ives, I thought it was nice for them.

 This pin brooch was made by a famous jewellers called Fattorini  and Sons who made the absolute original FA Cup.  The Fattorini daughters lived in the same area as my late grandad in Edwardian times and I still have the signed photos they gave him in October 1908, as they both liked him. So the pin brooch kind of links everyone up in a magic way!

Simalcrum Mawgie And The Mysitic Music

The real Mawgie belongs to my daughter's cousin in Cornwall. But we have a little simalcrum here who was interested when my daughter fell asleep listening to mystic music.

Fairy Garden Well Sitting Out In The Magick Garden

I wanted to put water in a wishing well but could not find one with a bottom in it so I improvised. it is part of our magickal garden set up. We do a lot of spells for clients outdoors.

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Pippin's New Friends Come Out To Play

Pippin has known the black and white doggie, Mawgie, for some time now and he also has another new friend - Rascal who enjoys looking out from behind the butterflies.

Outdoor Gnome Gathering With Feather And Candle

We love our outdoor people and they take part in rituals that we do. he is a special gathering of tiny gnomes, fairies, rabbits and foxes.

Chocolate Sheep In A Dish

As we love sheep of all kinds and do not eat meat, this little chap looked happy enough in his outdoor dish. we always make offerings or leave gifts out after doing spell work. It is polite and an exchange of services,

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Phoenic Rising At Supermoon

My son took this photo of the recent Supermoon. It is a very special time for those of use who are magically inclined, but the moon is alluring anyway whatever a person believes in (or not as the case may be)!

This looks like a phoenix rising around the moon and as a phoenix rises anew traditionally from its own ashes, hopefully this will apply to the world in the not too distant future and things will be OK once more.

Things To Do For Those Who Can't Visit A Beach

If you are unable to visit a beach due to social distancing and travel restrictions, then make the beach come to you. Here we have a model aquatic plant, a turtle and a little alien creature in a bed of sand with a nice green light in a foil tray.

I always keep a bag of sand handy, but many other substances would do the trick as a substitute such as earth, dried herbs, rice or flour. The display calls on the powers and energies of nature so it is both empowering and uplifting.

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Easter Bunny With A Rainbow In The Dark

This Easter Bunny was photographed on the garden wall with a 'Rainbow in the Dark' to quote a song by rock group 'Dio'. The rainbow is currently part of the 'Stay Safe' campaign in the United Kingdom.

Goddess Wenet - The Rabbit And The Snake

Wenet (who is sometimes known by other slightly different names) is both an Ancient Egyptian Rabbit Goddess And A Snake Goddess. This is another middle of the night picture.

Other Creatures That Come Out In The Night

These are some of our other friends that have been out and about during 'Lock Down' We still come out at night  - in the middle of the night and pick up the energies.

Monday, 30 March 2020

The Euro Toilet Roll And Pippin

Pippin the dog poses elegantly on a toilet roll full of Euros. Toilet rolls are almost worth more than gold in some areas of the world as of 2020 and this is unfortunately due to the awful pandemic.

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Wide Awake Pippins And The Little Robotic Labrador

The little labrador in the bottom polaroid is very clever indeed. He is robotic and when switched on he barks, turns his head and wags his tail. He is very lifelike as well as being cuddly and cute. The Pippins and friends curiously looked on meanwhile.

Sunday, 1 March 2020

The Pippins Enjoy Imbolc In Big Style

The Pippins really enjoyed Imbolc at the beginning of February and they had a great big celebration and some offerings were put out. Imbolc is the first Fire Festival of the year and celebrates the Goddess/Saint Brigid, snowdrops, swans and the lambing season. A doll of Brigid is sometimes put in a little bed - 'Breed's Bed' and kept for the year for luck. All three Pippins were in attendance - that is Original Pippin, Doppelgänger Pippin and Extra Pippin.