Monday, 30 December 2019

The Dragon And The Mystic Crystal Ball

This lovely red dragon had a quick Christmas Day snooze on top of the mystic crystal ball, which changes colour. Red dragons traditionally guard treasure - so this little dragon must have been really keen to guard the crystal ball.

All Three Pippins With St Nicholas

All the three Pippins met with St Nicholas on 25th December and they were very enamoured with him. He seemed very jolly.

Mr Nutcracker Man Stands Guard

The Nutcracker man seemed happy enough when he was photographed on 25th December 2019. He has been a nice addition to the Season and we thank his spirit or manitou.

Spell Offerings In Outside Ritual

This ritual was done on Friday 19th December and as the weather was fine it was performed outside. The ritual featured some Christmas trees and some tiny roulette wheels for chance and fortune.

Friday, 13 December 2019

Mini Wizard Dog At McDonalds

This photo was taken only last week and shows a lovely little wizard dog who is waiting at McDonald's with his little bowl. He was very exited and wanted to pose somewhere nearby.

The Penguins On A Road Trip

The background is a busy main road that carries a lot of lorries and other vehicles. The penguins posed on a wall feeling very adventurous. They liked being out late at night.

Mini Christmas Trees Glow In The Dark

We decided on some very small trees this year for a change, rather than a larger tree which can be cumbersome. As we have items from all kinds of different religions in the room, we like to space things out fairly too.

Whale Cloud High Up In The Sky

A spirit whale was obviously passing through the sky the other night. the Druids and many other Shaman people read the signs and omens from cloud formations.

Shipley Sheep Looking Sad And Half-hearted Christmas Tree

It is such a shame to see the 'Shipley Sheep' in such a sorry state. The sculpture has not been there that long, only since 2008 and all the mosaic has broken off as well as the sheep's parasol having disappeared. Shipley means sheep town or sheep settlement.

The Christmas tree was spoiled by the barriers erected around it.

Saturday, 23 November 2019

All Three Pippins Join In For Pre-Thanksgiving Bash

Various little felted animals got together - including all three of the Pippins for a pre-Thanksgiving  meet-up. the Pippins are all doppelgängers of each other spiritually, although physically there are slight differences.

Thanksgiving Turkey With Black Cat And Pumpkin

As we are vegetarians and would never dream of eating a turkey. We are showing a happy TY brand turkey getting together with a Thanksgiving pumpkin and a scary black cat for a pre-Thanksgiving party where all animals and birds are safe and loved.

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Unicorn In The Grass Looks On At Fireworks

The unicorn sparkles from a safe distance as November 5th Plot Night  draws to a close. There is quite a debate about fireworks in these parts with many people apparently thinking they should be banned, but these are actually indoor fireworks used outside and they make no noise at all.

My Daughter At Costa On Halloween With Some Witchy Friends

We took some time out from spell casting to go to Costa Coffee on Halloween, along with some witchy friends. We even set up some lights on the table as customers looked on.

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Pippin Sneaks A Cappuccino On Costa Return

Pippin the Dog proudly returned to Costa Coffee last Thursday and had a really good time posing on the tables whilst trying to sneak a sip of a cappuccino! He is a lovely, adorable pooch.

Pippin Visits Bolling Hall In Bradford

Last week Pippin visited Bolling Hall  - the very haunted museum in Bradford. It even has a haunted garden where we did a few rituals, undisturbed by visitors and dog walkers.

Toadstools And Fairy Ring In The Garden

We actually have a wonderful fairy ring in the garden, together with lot of toadstools for elves and the like, as in the poem 'Under a Toadstool Crept A Wee Elf, Out of the Rain to Shelter Himself' I have forgotten the rest, but it came to mind when writing this.

Spider, Spider, Burning Bright

Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet, eating her curds and whey. There came a big spider that sat down beside her and frightened Miss Muffet away. So goes the nursey rhyme.
This TY Beanie spider looks much more friendly though.

Bohemian Grove, But With Owl Of Athena

With lurid tales of the Illuminati at the devilish Bohemian Grove, hidden in USA backwoods and allegedly playground of Heads Of State and all the president's men combined, we thought we would do a slightly different version. We based the owl (used in a famous Bohemian Grove ceremony) on the famous Owl of Athena, rather than Moloch, which seemed more in keeping. However, for those who do not know about Bohemian Grove - it is well worth a look-up; particularly so, a YouTube undercover video I saw some years ago.

Sleepy Unicorn And Candy Offerings

We love unicorns! this little lad loves to sit in the grass and he represent all cosmic unicorns of the Higher Astral Realms, when used in ritual magic.

Happy Kookaburra Not In A Gum Tree

We used to sing a song at school about a Kookaburra in a Gum tree. I got this little chap because during the Second World War, my Dad's regiment symbol was a Kookaburra as he served in the 454 Squadron of the Royal Australian Air Force.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Two White Peace Doves Bask In Flower Ritual

This lovely pair of Peace Doves were happy to sit in the middle of the flowers and the spirit of Peace Doves was introduced in to the working. The dark orange flowers bring vibrancy and attract zest and enthusiasm, whilst the green foliage connects to Mother Earth.

Pretty Pink Flamingo Enjoys Night Trip

We used the energies of the flamingo spirit in one of our recent outdoor middle of the night rituals. There was a good feeling about the whole ritual which is always an added bonus.

Sunday, 8 September 2019

Costa Pippin - The Deserted Cafe

Pippin hurried to be magically photographed outside the new Costa Coffee House and Drive-thru.

Unfortunately the internet got it completely wrong and the cafe was just shutting when we arrived as staff cleaned the floor. The doors had been locked before we even got there. Pippin made the most of the photo opportunity and still enjoyed his night out.

I do like urban beauty and I once met a very interesting male witch who shared the same love of busy city hanging baskets full of flowers, greenery in offices and planters in car parks. He is now a photographer as well as a witch who manages to find magical beauty within busy built up areas.

Ritual Lights Brighten The Darkness

We use all of our solar lights in rituals. Some of them are good representations of other-worldly folk and also of mermaids, gods, goddesses and even monsters. we burn incense a lot in our outdoor rituals and put out a lot of offerings. This is a beautiful fairy. She has a solar light and a wind chime too - just perfect for magick of all kinds.

Ritual Offerings In the September Grass

This was an offering that was put out as part of a very special ritual. There is also a strong connection here to that which cannot be seen, such as elementals and spirits from other dimensions travelling through portals from the spirit world to the world of matter.

Cat In The Car Park

This cute kitty was seen when we went out the other week. Cats are strong omens to be independent and to believe in yourself above others. Seeing random cats also means that others are thinking of you, though you could be challenged by a 'catty' person!

Sunday, 1 September 2019

Pippin In A Tesco Car Park

This is 'Pippin III' - we have had three Pippins made since very early 2016 and although the first Pippin is the most like the real one, the others have kind of developed a personality of their own and things have grown from there.

Pippin fancied having a look round the supermarket car park after 10pm at night on Saturday, August 31, 2019. There have been a number of ghostly happenings in areas near to this supermarket.

See also:
Brother Darklight and Rebecca

We Love Our Garden Lights

We always try to light up out garden in summer with solar lights as this attracts all kinds of supernatural beings. I have had several supernatural encounters along the pathway shown in the picture that cannot be explained away. We have heard chuckling and I have also seen various small people and very bright lights down by the gate late at night.

We have done tons of spell around the area so it literally is very magickal in all ways and my son was tapped on the back by an unseen hand. A very small man in green once went down the path in a May dawn.

It is a good place for rituals and workings and we have several ponds as well as a pet cemetery area - not the sort found in Stephen King's novel!

Pippin Sits Next To A Prepared Spell Working With Beetroot

Beetroot works brilliantly when used as a spell component and Pippin came along to see what was happening. he seemed quite interested the the proceedings!

Monday, 5 August 2019

The Pippins Play Out At Lammas

The Pippins were out at Lammas enjoying the night. We did quite a lot of rituals and the Pippins always have a place here. The lights actually lit up on contact with water and the orange leaves as well as the bowl were in keeping with the sun on the first harvest festival of the year which is what Lammas or Loaf Mass is about. It was originally held in honour of Lugh, the Celtic Sun God.

Wicker Man Plush From Alton Towers And Rainbow Bear Enjoy The Night

I managed to obtain this rather interesting, rune covered plush of the wicker man ride at Alton Towers Theme Park. I did not go there, I got the plush second hand, bunged it in the washer and hey presto - unusual item to say the least. The plush is of the ram head side of the wicker man - I spent some time on YouTube watching the ride. The cute little cuddly rainbow teddy was reduced in Asda (known as Walmart in the USA) and I got a really good vibe off him so he went in the shopping trolley.
We do have a lot of spirited items and I really like these two.

Pretty Pippins And The Twin Dragons Orate About Orbs

Orbs - ooh - its dust - its water  they're not supernatural! the cry goes up in earnest. It really is class dismissed on orbs these days as the debunkers and sceptics have a field day clinging on on to Darwin's finest theories of evolution and the photographers fit their lenses with sallow and shallow disdain at the apparent silliness of any one who believes in orbs.

Well matey - you could be wrong you know.The Creator Force, known as God to many, might have sent the dust/raindrops/anything else, to appear on camera as orbs. For all we know they could be a special angelic call sign or something - I kid you not at all. The author Dania Cooper has written two very interesting and thought provoking books on orbs which she believes are angelic signs or even signs of the angels themselves. Notice the orb on the right dragon's nose.

I do believe in orbs - some of them. These are the ones with a definitive ( sorry not pareidolia) picture in the middle. As a medium, I would say souls sometimes travel in the form of orbs. There was a man named Dr Hippolyte Baraduc who used to photograph souls.  I have one his books on the subject and it is truly fascinating  - well worth a punt.

The Pippins were enthralled.

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

The Occult Underground, Occult Paris, James Webb, Anna Kingsford And The Pippins

I came across the author James Webb by accident, earlier this year. This much esteemed author, heir to a Scottish estate no less, shot himself in 1980 at the age of 34. He was supposedly a very clever , but troubled person (his own father committed suicide), who wrote academic occult books,amongst other things, originally as a non believer and virtual atheist fact finder and then suddenly, he got drawn in and started to believe in everything he had previously scoffed at as representing a load of misguided baloney that had hood winked the great and the good.

There is an ebook available on Kindle called The Occult Webb by Colin Wilson and Joyce Colin-Smith which is quite factual but also threw up a lot of mystery.

James Webb was supposedly overworked and his explorations led him to have some kind of nervous breakdown. Not a term liked by the medical profession these days but highly accurate nonetheless. His wife, (who he fell out with his family in order to marry), was a total non believer and gave him short shrift and, according to the author,not much support. He had a few psychotic episodes and was convinced his publisher was persecuting him (he was contracted to write several books, including a history of Scotland and was under pressure). He also believed some French Freemasons were after him. He obviously spoke several different languages fluently so translating things wasn't a problem.

So I was intrigued and dived in to the world of the Belle Epoque. My great uncle was French and was born in Paris. He would have been a youngster in 1890's Paris and might even have seen some of the French magicians, or even Toulouse-Lautrec in the street. Even as a kid he must have known of the Moulin Rouge and the Chat Noir Club.

Anna Kingsford became a medical doctor in Paris because she was not allowed to do this in England in Victorian times. She fought hard against vivisection, a common practice of the day and was also very esoteric. She was a friend of one of the founders of The Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn.Webb mentions her in his book.

I managed to find details of Webb's last home and even a photo of it inside.I wanted to know if there was any truth in what he said or if he was just ill for a bit.

To be a good medium it is necessary to disassociate and psychic work requires both depersonalisation and derealisation so it can affect the mind. Both well respected Dion Fortune and even Aleister Crowley had their mentally affected moments.

So what happened with James Webb? Well on the surface he was stressed, overworked and did not have a good support network to hand. He lived in an isolated spot which is terrible for anyone with those kind of problems - too much not going on outside. He felt obliged to meet certain standards but he was changing due to his research and perhaps did not fit in with his old group of friends any more. He knew an older esoteric lady as a friend but whether that did him good or not in the long run is unanswered. Certainly his wife didn't like this friendship.

There could be something in what he said. Maybe, just maybe, he wasn't totally off the page with it, but I still feel someone could have saved him in any case. What a waste of a talented life.

The Pippins got in on the investigative journalism with some serious study.