Thursday 2 November 2023

Dracula Bear At Halloween 2023

 Dracula Bear had a very good time celebrating Halloween this year!

Wednesday 6 September 2023

Lights On A Blackberry Bush

 This blackberry bush likes living in out front garden. many nature spirits have been seen and heard in the gardens around the house. These include gnomes, a leprechaun and real spiritual 'fairy lights.'.

Garden Lights Under The Moon

 We love our garden solar lights and we have indeed inspired other neighbours to put lots of lights out as well. they look very magical at night especially under a bright moon.

Saturday 17 June 2023

Pippin Enjoys Himself In A Summer Garden

 We have never forgotten about Pippin who is the namesake of this blog, which actually began seven years ago and is still running today. This is the original Pippin, who was crafted for me  'back in the day' by a very talented needle felting person called Tracy. Since then Tracy has incarnated a few other Pippins, who also appear in the blog from time to time.

Pippin spent some enquiring times in the garden last week and had a quick word with the flamingos.

Luscious Offerings For Beltane

 We are a little late with this picture, But we did a good Beltane ceremony - April 30th to !st May, which created some very ambient energy.

Monday 24 April 2023

Late March Snowfall Creates A Magickal Backdrop

 There was quite a heavy snowfall during late March in our are. It was more like Christmas than a spring da. it did get quite magickal though, as all of the little spirit ornaments and the bird on the roof seemed to agree.

Saturday 11 March 2023

Gladys The Hamster Enjoys Coming Out To Play


Gladys really does have ruby red eyes and it was one of the reasons I chose her at the pet shop. The other reason is that her fur is more sable coloured than golden.

 When I was little, Syrian hamsters were also widely known as Golden hamsters. I used to get some of my hamsters from a place called Parslow's Hamster Farm, in Great Bookham, Surrey, UK and they were sent up by train. My father used to pick the hamster up from the station.

Parslow's Hamster Farm had many thoroughbred breeds of hamsters unavailable elsewhere .

The hamster farm was run by a man called Percy W Parslow and it was exciting to choose a special hamster from his mail order lists.